left: Sweatshirt: Adidas Corset: Made out of vintage Bra straps by Sourpez Design Shoes: Adidas

right: Tracksuit: Free People Dress: Free People Lace Collar: & Other Stories Shoes: Adidas Ball: Wilson

Tracksuit: Free People Dress: Free People Lace Collar: & Other Stories Shoes: Adidas Ball: Wilson

left: Sweatshirt: Adidas Corset: Made out of vintage Bra straps by Sourpez Design Shoes: Adidas

right: Sweatshirt: American Vintage Shorts: Adidas Shoes and Socks: Adidas

Creative Direction, Photography & Styling: RBCO @rbcoart

Model: Sofia Mechetner @sofia__mechetner from @r_and_r_agency

Makeup: Shannon Rodriguez @shannonrodriguezartistry

Retouch: Omri Rosengart @omrirosengart