right: jacket & short set: Pablo Erroz accessories: stylist ́s own

skirt & psychedelic top: Guillermo Justicia

mesh dress: Iro Studio leather jacket: vintage
Photography: María Fernanda González @mafergonzalezphoto
Art direction + fashion styling: Aran Morales @aranmorales__
Model: Mica Tosi from View Management viewmanagement.com @micatosi @viewmanagement
Brands & designers: Pablo Erroz, Iro Studio & Guillermo Justicia @pabloerroz @irostudioofficial @guillermo.justicia
Jacket and short set: Pablo Erroz, skirt and psychedelic top: Guillermo Justicia, mesh dress: Iro Studio, leather jacket: vintage, accessories: stylist´s own.
Special thanks to Blend Showroom @blendbcnshowroom
Studio: Cadaver Exquisit @cadaver_exquisit_studio