Jumper and trousers by Sol Deal Villa, Harness stylist’s own, Gloves by Valentino Vintage, Shoes by Gucci Vintage
Trench Loewe Vintage, Gloves Gucci Vintage, Glasses Moschino Vintage, Corset and shoes stylist’s own
Blouse by KM by Lange, T-shirt by Pleasures, Shoes stylist’s own, Sunglasses Carolina Lemke
Dress by Kenzo Vintage, Trousers by Sol Dela Villa, Gloves by Valentino Vintage, Belt stylist’s own, Earrings by Dior Vintage
Coat by Loewe Vintage, Skirt by Moschino Vintage
Jacket Ínvito, bag Stylist’s own, Skirt by Dolce & Gabbana Vintage
Blazer by Tierry Mugler Vintage, Earrings by Dior Vintage
Jacket and the top are Sol dela Villa and the trousers KM by Lange, Earrings by Dior Vintage
Photographer: Joséphine Leddet joséphineleddet.com – @josephineleddet
Fashion: Vincenza Nobile vincenzanobile.com – @la_nobile
Starring: Daria @5th Avenue @dariasergeevna1
HMUA: Karolina Shumilas @karolina_shumilas
Photographer Assistant: Ania Pedrol
Fashion Assistant: Charlotte Bomtemps
A special thanks to Shooter film lab Barcelona and to Le Swing
All Vintage by Le Swing and Blow by Le Swing