Make up and hair: Kevin Murphy NL – Hannah Huidcoac / Necklace: Black Coffee

left: Make up and hair: -Kevin Murphy NL -Hannah Huidcoach / Model left – Dress : Black Coffee Model right – Dress: Black Coffee
right: Head carf: stylist own

Make up and hair: -Kevin Murphy NL -Hannah Huidcoach / Model left – Body: Zarra – Top: Rich MNISI, Pants: Rich MNISI Model right – Hat: Cristal BURCH Armor belt: Ntanddovx Dress: Ntanddovx

left: Make up and hair: -Kevin Murphy NL -Hannah Huidcoach / Model left – Top: Black Coffee Dress: Black coffe, Model right – Hat: Stylist own Top: Black Coffee, Dress: Ntanddoxv
right: Make up and hair: -Kevin Murphy NL -Hannah Huidcoach

left: Bow tie: Stylist own Top: Bam Collective Pants: Bam Collective
right: Dress: Imprint

left: Make up and hair:Kevin Murphy NL -Hannah Huidcoach / Hat: Crystal BURCH
right: : Make up and hair:Kevin Murphy NL -Hannah Huidcoach / Hat: Stylist own Dress: Ntanddoxv

Make up and hair:Kevin Murphy NL -Hannah Huidcoach / Dresses: Black Coffee
Photographer: Caily Bobbie Jo @cailybobbiejo
Stylist Luna Michel @Lunamichel
MUAH Norien Voskuilen @norienvoskuilen
Models: Daanyaal Hendricks and Nonjabulo Xaba @xaba_nonjabulo from @3dmodelagency
Allround Assistant Florine van den Biggelaar
Assistant stylist + Allround Raphael Bonnaz