Top – Monzlapur Skirt – SLT Addict Shoes – vintage Ring – Jill.Herlands

Sweater – LD13 Pants – Gongdid Design Shoes – Alexander Birman

Jacket and jeans – Maui X Lolita Earrings – La Daje

Dress – Atelier Malade Earrings – Catay Shoes – stylist’s own

Top – Monzlapur Skirt – SLT Addict Shoes – vintage Ring – Jill.Herlands

Jacket – vintage Fendy Skirt – early 2000 ́s Bebe Shoes – Vintage Earrings- Solomeina

Coat – Simone Rochas Top – Gongdid Design Shoes – vintage

Photographed by MACIEJ ŚWISTEK @swistek.m and ZUZANNA WŁODARZ @zuzannawlo

Model: GIZA TIMONIER @gizawiza

Fashion by LOULOU SHAFRAN @nevertrustablonde