COLLINI MILAN0 “A LOVE DECLARATION”A tribute to famed Italian treasures
Milan, July 10, 2020 – The fashion industry is undoubtedly one of the most damaged by the COVID-19 pandemic, prompting a sudden reorganization of the entire system, proven in the past weeks by the strategic decisions taken by many fashion houses. Alongside this reshuffle has been a return to almost normal life in many countries – and with it an innate optimistic desire to rediscover and orient with treasures previously taken for granted.
This desire underpins COLLINI Milano’s newest campaign: A LOVE DECLARATION – a visual gesture that fuels a rediscovery of renowned Italian architecture and iconic places in Italy with the insertion of iconic Collini pieces. “2020 is teaching us that luxury today is the ability to transfer values, visions and dreams across generations,” says Carmine Rotondaro, CEO and Creative Director of Collini Milano. A LOVE DECLARATION creates a marriage between the most iconic pieces of COLLINI Milano and the stunning Italian architecture, and does so by focusing on the rebellious and passionate spirit that makes the maison so ready for the new post-COVID-19 Renaissance.
“I believe that the secret of those who will bring the fashion world back to success lies in our values, traditions and our innate love of beauty,” adds Rotondaro, recounting his vision for the new Collini campaign. A LOVE DECLARATION emphasizes these values and brings to the surface an emotional need to reorient with the beauty around us. Showcasing Italian vistas from the wonderful cities of Rome, Florence and Venice, without forgetting Syracuse, Bologna, Trieste, the Emerald Coast, often exploited without care and respect, Collini is declaring love for what is and what remains. The maison, with this campaign, sounds a clarion call to love the spaces and places that await a new wave of love and admiration. “The whole of humanity has been tested in the past months in a completely unpredictable way, and the effects of this situation are still being revealed in many ways and on many levels. Our cultural heritage, handed down from generation to generation during the time, today represent our greatest legacy and A LOVE DECLARATION is an ode to these gifts.” says Rotondaro about the campaign. Collini’s new campaign is a nudge forward and a reminder for the world to love the beauty and majesty that remains (post COVID-19) beginning with a selection of Italian treasures that are near and dear to the fashion house.

Collini Milano @collinimilano ::