Headband triphandbags.co.za,  Swimsuit as top Pintuk resort, Skirt wewe.cool, Jacket ayagoods.com, Necklace applesandoranges.co.za
Headband triphandbags.co.za, Necklace  Gordon in Africa Nova, Bracelet and earings Baraka, Skirt wewe.cool, Tank top Nap brand
Necklace as hair jewelry applesandoranges.co.za,  Bracelets Sue Clark in Africa Nova , Cape town, Necklace Baraka ,Cape town, Skirt wewe.cool, Jacket ayagoods.com, Belt and Shoes , model own
left: Top and short wewe.cool, Jewelry Baraka, Backpack Baraka
right: Head band Trip, Jumpsuit wewe.cool, Necklaces Gordon in Africa nova Isabel Marrant, Earrings Gas, Bag One of each, Shoes model own
left:  Jacket ayagoods.com, Jewelry Pichulick in Adriaan Kuiters
right: Jacket and trousers Wewe, Body Nap brand, Necklace Pitchulik in Adriaan Kuiters, Earings vintage, Shoes K7




Jumpsuit wewe.cool, Necklace Baraka, Shoes Alexander wang
Photographer : Camille Chaudeurge – camillechaudeurge.com
Stylist : Brynmore Roberts – brynmaxroberts.wix.com/brynmr
Model : Patricia Laloyo @Fusion models Capetown
Make up / Hair artist :Diana zwarthoed – themakeupstudio.de